A comprehensive set of protein complexes in yeast: Mining high-throughput protein-protein interaction screens

Roland Krause, Christian von Mering and Peer Bork


Predicted sets

TAP assembly

HMS-PCI assembly

Combined assembly
Prediction of complexes from the combined data sets.


Links to software used

The OC cluster analysis program
For clustering


Perl scripts

cc.pl A simple script for comparison of casta

formatted data sets, implementing several similarity measures
raw2gd.pl For drawing plots from 'raw' lists

Raw list: tab separated file. 'complex1\tcomplex2\tscore'. Score (0..1)

Original Data

Yeast site at cellzome TAP data and additional information
Yeast site at MDSP HMS-PCI data and additional information

  Contact: Roland Krause Cellzome AG The Bork group at the EMBL

Created Fri May 2, 2003 1:23 PM