Publications of S. Schmidt

Publications of S. Schmidt

The individual publication lists here have to be considered only in the context of the Bork Group.
Authors in this color are/were of Bork Group. [Altmetric off].
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2010 1 publication(s).
A method and server for predicting damaging missense mutations.
Adzhubei IA, Schmidt S, Peshkin L, Ramensky VE, Gerasimova A, Bork P, Kondrashov AS, Sunyaev SR
2010 Apr; 7(4): 248-9. PubMed: 20354512.
2009 1 publication(s).
Transcriptome complexity in a genome-reduced bacterium.
Güell M, van Noort V, Yus E, Chen WH, Leigh-Bell J, Michalodimitrakis K, Yamada T, Arumugam M, Doerks T, Kühner S, Rode M, Suyama M, Schmidt S, Gavin AC, Bork P, Serrano L
2009 Nov 27; 326(5957): 1268-71. PubMed: 19965477.
Abstract + PDF
2004 1 publication(s).
SMART 4.0: towards genomic data integration.
2004 Jan 1; 32(Database issue): D142-4. PubMed: 14681379.
Abstract + PDF
2003 3 publication(s).
Systematic discovery of analogous enzymes in thiamin biosynthesis.
Morett E, Korbel JO, Rajan E, Saab-Rincon G, Olvera L, Olvera M, Schmidt S, Snel B, Bork P
2003 Jul; 21(7): 790-5. Epub 2003 Jun 8; PubMed: 12794638.
Abstract + PDF
Metabolites: a helping hand for pathway evolution?
2003 Jun; 28(6): 336-41. PubMed: 12826406.
Abstract + PDF
STRING: a database of predicted functional associations between proteins.
2003 Jan 1; 31(1): 258-61. PubMed: 12519996.
Abstract + PDF
2002 2 publication(s).
Comparative Genome Analysis of the Mollicutes.
In: Molecular Biology and Pathogenicity of Mycoplasmas. (Razin and Herrmann, eds.) pp.255-278. BID: 5.
Publisher: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York
A versatile structural domain analysis server using profile weight matrices.
Schmidt S, Bork P, Dandekar T
2002 Mar-Apr; 42(2): 405-7. PubMed: 11911710.
Abstract + PDF
2001 1 publication(s).
Medical target prediction from genome sequence: combining different sequence analysis algorithms with expert knowledge and input from artificial intelligence approaches.
Dandekar T, Du F, Schirmer RH, Schmidt S
2001 Dec; 26(1): 15-21. PubMed: 11765847.
Abstract + PDF