Antibiotics-induced monodominance of a novel gut bacterial order.
Hildebrand F,
Moitinho-Silva L, Blasche S, Jahn MTT, Gossmann TI,
Huerta-Cepas J, Hercog R, Luetge M, Bahram M, Pryszlak A,
Alves RJ, Waszak SM,
Zhu A, Ye L,
Costea PI, Aalvink S, Belzer C,
Forslund SK,
Sunagawa S, Hentschel U, Merten C, Patil KR, Benes V,
Bork P Gut.
2019 Oct 18; 68(10): 1781-1790. PubMed:
Abstract + PDF
The composition of the healthy human adult gut microbiome is relatively stable over prolonged periods, and representatives of the most highly abundant and prevalent species have been cultured and described. However, microbial abundances can change on perturbations, such as antibiotics intake, enabling the identification and characterisation of otherwise low abundant species.