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Name - Wrapper script to add a metagenome to a collection in Smash

Synopsis [options]


--collection (required)

Name of metagenome collection to which this metagenome is added


A short title to identity this metagenome. We recommend using something short, like under 8 characters, since this will be used in analysis results and displays. Long names will make your figures look ugly!


A brief description of this metagenome.


Prints this manual.

Description is a wrapper script to add a metagenome to a collection in Smash.

A typical use of is like this: --collection=MC20 --title=AMD \
                --description="Acid Mine Drainage data from Tyson et al, 2004"

Here the title AMD is short, but enough to identify the famous AMD dataset. If you are working with human gut metagenomes like we are, you could use --collection=MC20 --title=JP-AD-1 \
                --description="Human gut metagenome from Japanese adult F1-S"
