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iTOL_downloader - batch download trees from iTOL in different formats

SYNOPSIS options


Use to download your trees from iTOL. You can specify the format and other export parameters using the options described below.


Separate options and their values with a space.


display this message


read upload options from a file (format described below); example file available at


iTOL tree ID


save the resulting tree into the specified file


export format


Portable Network Graphics; bitmap format


Scalable Vector Graphics; vector format


Encapsulated Postscript; vector format


Postscript; vector format


Portable Document Format; vector format


Nexus tree file; plain text


Newick tree file; plain text



tree display mode; normal or circular


should the leaf labels be aligned? (0 or 1)


branch lengths will be ignored if set to 1


branch lenght values will be displayed on the tree. Overrides --showBS if both are specified


bootstraps will be displayed on the tree


specify which bootstrap will be displayed. You must specify the numeric value and choose the direction using the letters 'M' (for more than) or 'L' (for less than). For example: display bootstraps above 60: --BSdisplayValue M60 display bootstraps below 0.3: --BSdisplayValue L0.3


'text' or 'symbol'


if 'symbol' is used to display bootstraps, use this option to specify the maximum circle size (in pixels)


if the tree has colored ranges defined, you can omit them from the exported tree by setting this to 1


'clades' or 'leaves'

if the tree has colored ranges defined, specify their extent using this option


if the tree has colored branches, use this option to use the colors in the exported tree


for circular display mode, specify the rotation angle in degrees


for circular display mode, specify the arc in which the tree should be displayed (in degrees, default is 350)


if set to 1, the circular tree will be inverted


image resolution in DPI (dots per inch), used only when exporting to PNG


font size to be used for leaf labels


line width in pixels (default is 3)


the default horizontal tree scale will be multiplied with the specified value


internal node IDs will be displayed if this option is set to 1


comma separated list of leaf IDs which should be included in the tree. If not specified, complete tree will be exported.


comma separated list of internal node IDs which will be collapsed. If the tree does not have internal nodes defined, you can specify them using two leafs IDs instead. Separate leaf IDs with a vertical line ('|'). The last common ancestor of each pair will be collapsed. For example:

 --collapseList Homo_sapiens|Gallus_gallus,Escherichia_coli|Mycoplasma_pneumoniae

comma separated list of dataset IDs to include in the exported tree. For example:

 --datasetList dataset1,dataset3,dataset4



output options for Newick format


Include internal node IDs in the tree. Example output: ((A:0.1, B:0.1)INTid1:0.2[95]);


Only bootstraps and branch lengths will be included. Example output: ((A:0.1, B:0.1)95:0.2);


We provided an option of using a separate plain text config file to specify the export parameters. To use a configuration file, simply use the --config option to specify its location.

The configuration file should contain one parameter per line. Use the = sign to assign values to the parameters. Here is an example configuration file:

 outputFile = example.pdf
 format = pdf
 tree = 123456789
 displayMode = circular
 inverted = 1
 arc = 360
 rotate = 70


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 Ivica Letunic <>
 Contact me if you have any questions or comments.
