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SmashCommunity scripts

SmashCommunity comes with a suite of scripts that help you do most metagenomic analyses.

Overview of SmashCommunity scripts

Here's an overview of the primary scripts involved in these analyses:

SmashCommunity scripts

(If you cannot see the image above clearly, please click on the image to see the figure in higher resolution.)

From raw data to results

SmashCommunity is designed to make your life easier by guiding you from the raw data to your results. It does NOT write your papers for you though, although Mani might do it for you if you convince him!

The figure above shows the possible paths you could take from the raw data to the results, depending on your data and the questions you are asking. Which path is ideal for your analysis is a question only you can answer best, although we will be happy to provide suggestions.

Detailed information on analysis scripts

More detailed information of each analyis script is available here.
