FAQ - common questions

Q: Which systems does the profiling tool run on?
A: Linux and Mac OS X.

Q: Does the standalone profiling tool return different results from running it within MOCAT
A: No, they run identical computations. MOCAT allows you more control over all the steps in the computation. Additionally, MOCAT can take advantage of computing clusters. The standalone version is provided as it has fewer dependencies and requires less set up. Thus, it may be more convenient for small scale uses.

Q: What does 'padded' mean in the database name?
A: 'padded' refers to that the marker gene sequences in the database has been extended with up to 100 bp at each end. It is done this way to ensure that reads close to the end of gene sequences also map to the genes. The '.coord' file has information where the genes start and end, and this file is parsed when calculating the exact coverages.

FAQ - error messages

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